RENU 2 Field Campaign Related Links
Most important, needed for the launch call:
ACE solar wind data -- This site shows us solar wind parameters for the past 6 hours.

GOES magnetic fields -- Allows us to monitor substorm activity and information about the auroral oval.
Longyearbyen Fluxgate Magnetometer

U. Calgary Redline Auroral Imagers -- Real-time imagery of the sky over Longyearbyen
GOES 15 Solar X-Ray Imager -- Near real-time imagery of solar activity

U. Oslo allsky camera, including keograms.
SuperDARN realtime convection.
Background information - long term trends, etc:
Images of the sun from Solar Dynamics Observatory.
"Condegrams", showing activity over the last solar rotation.
EISCAT data from previous 24 hours.
Spaceweather! Informative, interesting and very cool.
A guide to spaceweather by Meghan Mella.
Kjell Henriksen Observatory - Provides lots of ground based data from Longyearbyen.
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