STATUS -- Once past the all fire checks, final assembly of the main payload could proceed. Booms were tested one last time to ensure the latches were functional and a final measurement of the deployment potentiometers was taken.

In Andenes: Racetrack magnetometer is deployed before installing the latching mech.(Photo: Bruce Fritz)
Pyros were installed and covers were removed from each of the instruments. Every surface is wiped clean and each experimenter takes one last opportunity to look over the payload.

In Andenes: Nosecone is lined up while everyone takes one last look at the payload.(Photo: Bruce Fritz)

In Andenes: Slowly moving the nosecone in place over the payload.(Photo: Bruce Fritz)

In Andenes: The PI shows up just in time to supervise the event.(Photo: Bruce Fritz)
OUTLOOK -- Now that the main payload is assembled, next step is finishing the sub-payload. Final assembly will take place today with installing pyros and wrapping the wire booms. Once that is done, the skin can go on the sub payload and it can be mated to the main payload. Depending on the progress, might get to GPS rollout tests as well.
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